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Mergers and acquisitions, digital transformation, consumer expectations and diversity requirements are very important issues for companies today. They require from management committees a stronger cohesion and a greater capacity to make quick decisions.
In this context, every week gained in building a successful management team adds considerable value to the company, accelerates the deployment of projects and the resulting benefits. Serious Games are one of the solutions to meet these challenges.
The Serious Game combines an “operational” situation, which can be strategic, financial or commercial, with fun elements. In total, the serious games market is estimated to be worth more than 20 billion dollars worldwide and has been growing at an annual rate around 15% for several years.
Practiced around the fundamentals of the company, the serious game is an ideal tool to weld a management team. Its use is even more relevant as the children of the 80s, who were immersed in console simulation games, are now taking on responsibilities within companies. they will be the first to promote, within the CODIR, these solutions which mix the concrete, the virtual digital and the competition, with objectives of cohesion and collective performance.